Bouquet of white flowers for sympathy
White and Green Sympathy Bouquet
This beautiful white and green sympathy bouquet is created with the freshest seasonal white blooms including premium white roses and large fluffy disbud chrysanthemums.
The bouquet is arranged in a traditional elegant and tasteful style, and when delivered with your card message expresses your sincere condolences and conveys your love and sympathy to a grieving family or friend.
White flowers symbolise honour, peace and innocence, while the lush green foliage represents hope and renewal.
This beautiful white and green sympathy bouquet is created with the freshest seasonal white blooms including premium white roses and large fluffy disbud chrysanthemums, nestled in lush green foliage with interesting textures.
The bouquet is arranged in an elegant and tasteful style, and together with your card message is an appropriate gift to express your condolences and convey your love and sympathy to a grieving family or friend.
White flowers symbolise purity and innocence, while the lush green foliage represents hope and renewal.